Reading is the fundamental skill for success in school, citizenship, and modern life. Starting with learners as early as the first grade, our experts help youngsters who are experiencing difficulty developing their reading and writing abilities.
Members of our professional staff are certified by the State of Michigan. The team determines the specific circumstances affecting each child’s reading abilities, then we design a program to develop reading and writing skills. Through one-on-one instruction, reading specialists develop the young learners’ abilities and help them catch up to their peers. Furthermore, our professional team helps instill a sense of appreciation for reading and learning in youngsters who may not previously have enjoyed reading and sharing what they know through their writing.
The team is qualified to help elementary school students fulfill state and school testing requirements. This includes helping students learn what they need to fulfill a reading requirement due to poor or failing grades through academic credit recovery programs. These programs are held over the summer months, when a learner is free to concentrate on one subject area.
Our Reading Recovery services range from $40 – $70 an hour. To schedule an appointment or for more information, please call:

Bloomfield Hills Center: 248-326-6034